Speaking Geek at Solarwinds’ Thwack Community



For the new few months in addition to posting here, I’ll be making some blog posts over on SolarwindsThwack Community in their “Geek Speak” blogs, on the general topic of network management. I won’t be reposting the content here, but I’ll be sharing the links each time I post, and I hope you can find a moment to read them, rate the post if you are that way inclined, and maybe even comment! I know have some very smart readers, and Thwack has some smart users too, so the conversation should be great!

Solarwinds Thwack is a light-hearted community providing specific product support and templates for Solarwinds products, but also offering more general support on networking-related issues through blogs, community forums and product forums. It’s kind of a fun place to dig around, and the users are usually not short of an opinion on most topics. Signing up for an account is easy and free, and then you can post comments and join in the discussion!

Here’s the intro to the first post in the series, called “Do You Monitor Your Network Interfaces? at Geek Speak

Thwack Blog Post 1

Hope to see you over there!



I am participating in the Solarwinds Thwack Ambassador program on a paid basis for July-September 2015. My posts do not have to mention or endorse Solarwinds products, and Solarwinds is not exercising any editorial control of my content. In fact, the first time Solarwinds sees my post is when I hit “publish.” I just thought you should know.

Please see my Disclosures page for more information.

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