Happy Turkey Day!

I’m an Englishman in New YorkAtlanta, so Thanksgiving is a little bit strange for me (although more comfortable than Independence Day!). Still, in the last eight years I have come to really value a holiday where the focus is on family rather than gifts and cards. The greetings card industry thank goodness seems to have failed to pervert Thanksgiving.

My wife, mind you, is American, so she’s a little more entitled to celebrate.  Because of this, my youngest child believes fervently that Mummy was alive for the first Thanksgiving (because parents are just so old, you know). Somebody is going to discover how a turkey feels if they carry on with that assertion.

So while this is a holiday affecting only a small part of the world and its inhabitants, I am going to take this opportunity to give a few thanks of my own, and take a few days off from writing articles!

Giving Thanks

  • My wife continues to put up with me for some reason, and support my career and other endeavors. Thanks, darling.
  • My children delight me every day (in between lining themselves up for death). The parents will understand. Regardless, they are too special for words.
  • Stephen Foskett (and now Tom Hollingsworth too) for Tech Field Day. TFD is something that continues to blow my mind, and brings so much to the networking community.
  • The Twitter presences from Cisco, Juniper, Brocade and Plexxi. You guys collectively knock it out of the park for responsiveness, positivity and support. Not everybody’s day job is social media, but there are employees on Twitter who do more good for their company’s reputation than their employers probably even realize. Thank you all.
  • My colleagues, for challenging me every day and making me better as a result.
  • All the bloggers and Tweeps who continue to give back to the community and share their knowledge so that idiots like me can learn from you and try to sound smart. 😉

Even if you don’t have the day off, take a moment to think who you’d like to thank. Maybe make the call and tell them? Either way, have a great day.


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