RSS Apology

If you haven’t seen any posts here since March 27 (that seems to be the magic date), I apologize. It seems that at some point an issue showed up with NextGen Gallery, a plugin I use to manage photo albums on this site. NGG was for some reason adding HTML header content to the RSS XML feed, which is obviously a bad thing.

Some RSS sites handled this ok and ignored the nonsense above the XML, but to my knowledge at least FeedWrangler and FeedBin did not cope with the invalid page stream, and thus showed no updates. Oops. I use Feedly, which did cope with it, so I didn’t notice any problems. Thanks to a couple of tweeps who mentioned the same problem, I’ve tracked down the issue and for the moment I’ve disabled NGG until I can figure out a workaround.

Meanwhile, sorry if you missed anything! Please take a moment to catch up – there were only four posts, so it shouldn’t be too bad!



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