Office Word 2011 – An Annoying Little Bug

Microsoft Word 2011 Mac Logo

Today I take a gentle swoop away from networking into the world of documentation. Specifically, I’m looking at a bug in Microsoft Office Word for Mac that drives me bonkers.

Custom Properties

The management of custom properties in Microsoft Word has never been the most elegant part of Word’s interface. The mechanism by which the property values are managed has always been a bit clunky and unfriendly, but at least in the Windows version of Word, it at least functioned as stated.

In Office for Mac however, there’s a bug when you select a property to edit. Since it’s easier to show than tell, here’s a quick video demonstrating the issue.

Now isn’t that a silly bit of coding? Yes, I thought so too! Microsoft just announced availability of the Office 2016 Mac Preview, but sadly Document Properties is not yet available:

Feature Available Soon

If you find out before I do, please let me know!

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