When Installs Go Bad…

It’s Thursday, so I think I’ll just leave this here:

Info: 0/1/CPU0 (LC) (SDR: Owner)
Proceed with this install operation (y/n)? [y]
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Dec 16 08:29:48.835 : instdir[255]:
A warning occurred during install operation 19. See
'show install log 19 detail' for more information.

Info: Install Method: Parallel Reload
The install operation will continue asynchronously.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:us-atl01-z1rt01(admin)#show install log 19 detail
Fri Dec 16 08:30:10.472 UTC
No log information available

Log Message Not So Helpful

Well, it made me smile, anyway.

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