Juniper MX – The Unicorn SDN Gateway

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A quick thought for the day. Last week Juniper announced their new Metafabric Architecture which includes the “SDN-ready MX Series 3D Universal Edge Routers.” They continue:

Universal SDN Gateway: MX Series routers deliver the most advanced and flexible SDN routing and bridging gateway for inter-data center, virtual network-to-physical network, and virtual network-to-virtual network communications.

SDN Central explains that the MX is getting:

Universal SDN Gateway capability, which allows the MX to connect two SDN domains that use different controllers. This could help the customers that are trying SDN in islands, giving them some freedom to experiment.

This USG thing makes the MX sound more magical by the second! And so I do declare that the acronym “USG” shall henceforth be defined as Unicorn SDN Gateway. I can’t help feeling that this may be the most accurate definition in the short term at least.

Rainbow poop-a-scoops at the ready, please!

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