Goodbye Google Feedburner

RSS Feed IconAs promised, I have today turned off the Google Feedburner RSS feed.

If this post came to you via Feedburner and you want to continue getting updates, you will need to change your feed to point to I’m sorry about the inconvenience, but I’m simply preempting what I suspect is inevitable.

Some RSS clients are smart enough to follow the permanent redirect to the new feed location that Google will provide, but others will simply fail. So if you get to the end of this week (March 7th) and this is still the last post you are seeing, then you really do need to edit the RSS feed for LameJournal now! Just repoint it to and all will be well again! Yes, I’m talking to you, the 125+ subscribers who have not yet made the change! 😉

Thanks for reading the blog, and for taking a moment to stay with me as I move away from Feedburner.




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