Congratulations on the Birth of SocketPlane!

SocketPlane Logo

I wanted to take a quick moment to offer up my congratulations, and share the news about SocketPlane. Their press release announcing that they had received investment from LightSpeed Venture Partners says:

SAN FRANCISCO, October 15, 2014 – Today SocketPlane, an independent software developer focused on open source software defined networking, announced their intention to bring Software Defined Networking (SDN) to Docker.  The SocketPlane team is comprised of industry veterans Madhu Venugopal, John M. Willis, Brent Salisbury and Dave Tucker whose combined experience in SDN, cloud computing and DevOps will elevate the networking abilities in container-based application virtualization.

That list of people is just awesome. All of them have reputations that absolutely precede them (thankfully it’s in a good way!). I have to give a light spanking to all concerned for the use of the phrase “DevOps Defined Networking” in the press release, but aside from that they state their purpose as follows:

SocketPlane is developing a solution to address the performance, availability and scale requirements of networking in large container-based cloud deployments. To operate at scale, Network operators need to be agile and require programmable, policy-driven networks that can be automated to match the benefits that industry leaders like Google, Facebook and Twitter gain by following DevOps principles.

Can’t argue with that, I am fascinated to see what comes out next year. With the people involved, I have great hopes and expectations.

Good luck to the whole team at SocketPlane!


30 Blogs in 30 Days

This post is part of my participation in Etherealmind’s 30 Blogs in 30 Days challenge.

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