Geek Speak Round Up – Network Management

Thwack Community

I mentioned a few months ago that I had been asked to write some thought-provoking blogs on the subject of network management for the Solarwinds Thwack Community “Geek Speak” area. I’ve now finished my six posts, and while they won’t be reproduced on, I’m linking to them here as I think they touch on some subjects close to my Software Defined Heart.

Click da pic to read the article.

1. Do You Monitor Your Network Interfaces?


2. The Perils of High Speed Logging


3. Could SNMP Please Just Die Already?


4. Keeping Your Secrets Secret


5. DHCP As A Configuration Tool


6. Network Management Isn’t Enough Any More



I hope you find something to think about or react to there. I’ve tried to blend some hyperbole with a tablespoon of annoyance and a light dash of technical reality. If you have any specific comments on any of these posts, the right thing to do would be to login to Thwack and comment there, but I’ll take any feedback you want to give, wherever it is.




I am participating in the Solarwinds Thwack Ambassador program on a paid basis for July-September 2015. My posts do not have to mention or endorse Solarwinds products, and Solarwinds is not exercising any editorial control of my content. In fact, the first time Solarwinds sees my post is when I hit “publish.” I just thought you should know.

Please see my Disclosures page for more information.

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