MP on Vertitech IT’s “Best IT Blogs 2017”

This is a quick post to say thanks to the folks at Vertitech IT for listing among their Best IT Blogs for 2017 (“Must-Read Resources for CIOs, IT & Security Pros”).

Vertitech IT

In their own words:

VertitechIT’s top 50 IT blogs were selected because they are among the most current, frequently updated, credible, and informative sources of information related to IT on the web today. From musings of industry leaders, to the veteran guys and gals in the trenches who chronicle their IT journeys, these 50 blogs all have something important to say about the IT world of today, and tomorrow.

Vertitech’s list is definitely worth a browse; I’m very flattered to be listed in such amazing company. I was also delighted to see that NetworkingNerd, Jeremy Stretch and Chris Wahl were featured as well; are all blogs I follow from people I respect.

Some other highlights include Cisco, Gigaom, the Forrester Blog for CIOs, Solarwinds’ Geek Speak (for whom – along with other contributors – I have written a number of blog posts), SC Magazine and TechCrunch Enterprise.

I’m delighted to even be on the same page as these other outlets. Go check the list out and perhaps you’ll also find some great new blogs to follow.

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