SDN And More – Interop Roundtable Discussion


This September I was invited to come to New York for Interop New York 2014 and participate in a couple of technical sessions as part of a Tech Field Day Extra event. In addition to the presentations by HP Networking and Cisco we also recorded a brief (26 minute) roundtable discussion covering topics from the need for independent trade shows, to SDN, to how we train up the next generation of network engineers. I’d say there’s somebody for everybody to relate to in these discussions.

Tech Field Day Extra at Interop NYC 2014

Tech Field Day events for me are a wonderful opportunity for me to surround myself with super smart people and pretend like I’m part of the group (and try to keep up). This event was no exception, and the list of fellow roundtablers was impressive:

See how I wave my hands and try to sound convincing:

Roundtable - John Herbert, Howard Marks, Michael Stump

Well, it was worth a try. To hear some other (smarter) people speaking, why not visit the roundtable page at Tech Field Day and perhaps take that 26 minutes to listen in on the conversation by watching the video below. And if you have your own views that you want to share, feel free to post a comment! Thanks.



30 Blogs in 30 Days

This post is part of my participation in Etherealmind’s 30 Blogs in 30 Days challenge.


I attended Interop NYC 2014 at the invitation of Gestalt IT, who organized a Tech Field Day Extra! event, sponsored by HP Networking and Cisco. These events are funded by the sponsoring vendors who pay to talk to the delegates, and that money in turn funds my travel, accommodation and food while I am there. I am not paid to attend this event (I take vacation from work and do it on my own time), and I am not obliged to blog, tweet, or otherwise publicize any sponsor of the event. Further, when I do choose to publish content related to the event, I do so at my own discretion, and the content and opinions expressed are mine alone without any interference from any other parties.

Please see my general disclosures page for more information.

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