Secret Sunday – Jason Edelman

Jason Edelman

That handsome visage is owned by Jason Edelman, the subject of today’s Secret Sunday. I’ve met Jason a few times through some Tech Field Day events like Networking Field Day, and most recently, at Tech Field Day Extra at Interop NYC 2014, and I’ve been impressed with his knowledge and ability to express himself.

These traits flow right into his blog writings at Jason isn’t just talking the talk, he’s walking the walk, and you can get some great real life feedback on some pretty cutting edge technologies.

Let’s take Ansible as an example, since I’ve just installed that on a VM in my lab. Jason has been working on Ansible with real devices, leading to posts like these:

If you read just those two posts you’ll know that Jason is the real deal, which is probably why he was speaking at Interop in New York City earlier this month! If you haven’t found Jason before now, please go subscribe to his RSS feed or follow him on Twiiter as @jedelman8. You can’t beat real world experience, and Jason has it in spades.


30 Blogs in 30 Days

This post is part of my participation in Etherealmind’s 30 Blogs in 30 Days challenge.

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