BOGOF on Packt Publishing eBooks

Packt 2000th Book BannerAs you may recall, I have done some technical reviewing for the folks over at Packt Publishing, for Chris Welsh’s GNS3 Network Simulation Guide and Jesin A’s Packet Tracer Network Simulator guide. Packt offers guides on a pretty wide selection of topics, both in eBook formats and hard copy.

Anyway, Packt reached out to me because they’ve just launched their 2000th title and they’re quite pleased about it. To celebrate, Packt has been running a deal which is valid until March 26th (so not long left, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier), which is basically a Buy One, Get One Free for all their eBooks, with the deal automatically applied at checkout (no codes to enter). They tell me there are no limits on this deal so I guess if you wanted to buy 1000 eBooks, you could own the entire Packt catalog (and hey, if you do that, let me know and I’ll share the news here for everybody to marvel at!)

Anyway, I’m always up for sharing a good deal and the eBooks aren’t too expensive to start with, so getting two for the price of one might be just what one of my readers is looking for. If your’e interested, just clicky clicky to check out the deal.

I hope you find something (or two things!) that you like.

P.S.  Apparently Packt is pronounced “packed”. In my head I cannot stop myself saying “packet”. Just me?



I have, as mentioned at the top, done some technical reviewing for Packt Publishing. I’ve also been offered eBooks and similar in return for a post mentioning this deal but to be clear, I have not and will not be cashing in on that offer. I’m sharing because it sounds like a good deal that might be of interest to my readers.

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