Discussing NFD7 with the Packet Pushers

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Shortly after Networking Field Day 7 (NFD7), the lovely folks at Packet Pushers reached out to the delegates to record a discussion about the issues that were prevalent throughout the event, whether in conversations between delegates or as raised by the vendors presenting to us.

The discussion was so long, it ended up being split into two and released as two (almost) 1 hour podcasts, and now that the second part of the discussion has been posted I’m delighted to link to these for your listening pleasure, just in case for some insane reason you are not already subscribed to the PP podcast!

Packet Pushers Podcasts 182 and 184

Topic covered include (and I’m taking this right from the PacketPushers site):

  • Do certifications make sense right now, considering the changes we’re seeing in the industry?
  • Why isn’t shortest path bridging (SPB) taking over the world?
  • It seems like virtual networking integration with OpenStack is no longer optional. What’s that mean? What’s happening there?
  • SNMP gets no love anymore. Why is it dying, and what’s taking its place?
  • NETCONF and YANG are showing up again and again in vendor discussions. What do they do?
  • OpenDaylight is a junction point for several vendor SDN efforts, but not everyone is engaged. How important is ODL, and what’s the risk to vendors who “sit back and watch”?
  • Related to the point above, how important is open source to networking going forward?
  • Does tracking flow across infrastructure matter? Or is it good enough to track it at the edge or at some choke point in the network?

Our host for these discussions is Ethan Banks, and to give credit where it’s due I thought he did a really great job in guiding the discussions and linking the topics together on the fly. Thank you, Ethan, for letting me participate.

I think most people will get something out of these discussions, even if it’s just that you want to argue back (which you can do in the comments on the PacketPushers show posts linked below)!


Packet Pushers Show 182 – The Future of Networking Part 1 as Inspired by #NFD7

Packet Pushers Show 184 – The Future of Networking Part 2 as Inspired by #NFD7

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