Viva España – Heading to HP Discover

HP Discover

It’s ironic to end the 30 day challenge by not posting for a short while, but what can I say? I’ve been very busy! Today I’m traveling to Barcelona to attend the HP Discover 2014 Barcelona event as a guest of HP’s Independent Blogger Programme. It looks like HP will be keeping us busy while we’re there, so I would predict quite a few posts coming out of this trip in the near future and I’m looking forwarding to hearing more about what HP is up to.

In early October I posted about HP’s SDN Mojo and OpenFlow deployment at Interop after they presented to us as part of Tech Field Day Extra. In that post I was impressed that HP had moved from talk to action as regards OpenFlow. I wonder what else HP has up its sleeves?

Do take a moment to check out HP Discover Barcelona 2014 and look at the Content Catalog. If nothing else, check out the SDN sessions in the content catalog. Hopefully that link will take you directly to the right results; there are some interesting sessions on that topic alone.

Like other events, HP will also be streaming some content live for free, so you can benefit even if you aren’t there – View the HP Discover Barcelona 2014 Live Streams. Remember that times shown are Central European. HP says:

Experience HP Discover from anywhere. General Sessions, select Track Keynotes and Innovation Theater sessions will be streamed live and are free to watch. More session videos will be available on-demand.
Live streaming begins Tuesday, 2 December, at 9:30 CET and continues for the duration of the event concluding on Thursday, 4 December, at 13:05 CET.

The fun starts on Tuesday; see you there? If there’s something HP-related you are curious about, please hit me up on Twitter, and so long as it’s not too solution specific and is relevant to the discussions I have, I will try to get an answer.



I am attending HP Discover Barcelona 2014 as a delegate at the invitation of the HP Independent Blogger Programme (HPIB). HPIB is funding my travel, accommodation and some of my food while I am there. I am not paid to attend this event (I take vacation from work and do it on my own time), and I am not obliged to blog, tweet, or otherwise publicize the event in return. Further, when I do choose to publish content related to the event, I do so at my own discretion and the content and opinions expressed are mine alone without any interference from any other parties.

Please see my general disclosures page for more information.

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