This Week: Solarwinds ThwackCamp 2016

Solarwinds ThwackCamp 2016 begins tomorrow, Wednesday September 14th.

Solarwinds ThwackCamp

I’m sharing this information in case it’s of interest, so here are some questions and answers in case you are curious.

What is ThwackCamp?

ThwackCamp is an annual, online, free training event offered by Solarwinds. It is organized into two streams, a “How-To” track which is more technical, and an “IT Industry” track which offers training with a slightly more holistic twist to it. There are 10 sessions offered over two days, and although my registrations are mostly How-To sessions, I did find an IT Industry session slipping in there; you can mix and match as you please.

How do I sign up for ThwackCamp?

Register on the Solarwinds ThwackCamp home page. Disclosure: I get 25% commission on every dollar you spend on ThwackCamp registrations using this link. You need to register for a free Solarwinds account if you don’t already have one, and you have to be logged in before you can register for the sessions you want to attend. Emails will arrive shortly thereafter with meeting invites attached so you can populate your calendar easily with session reminders. Remember: there are no travel costs involved, no registration cost and no hotel required. I mean, if you want to fly somewhere and participate from a hotel room, that’s fine, but you don’t have to.

How will this affect my loved ones?

It won’t, unless you are so enthralled by the content that you stand them up for a date or something. But that’s all on you.

Why does the name sound like a form of punishment?

This is something I keep forgetting to ask Solarwinds about. Solarwinds has a thriving user support community called, for reasons that have so far escaped me, Thwack. If you have Solarwinds products and aren’t already engaged with Thwack, I recommend signing up and poking around as there’s a lot of peer to peer assistance to be had with the Solarwinds products. Maybe “Thwack” is the sound of your palm hitting your forehead when you realize that you missed an opportunity for some free training by not registering for this event?

Update (Sep 14, 2016): I was closer than I thought with my definition! Here’s the scoop from the opening session of Thwack Camp 2016:

Thwack Definition


Ok, enough from me. In short:

  • Free training from Solarwinds;
  • Starts tomorrow (Wednesday, September 14th);
  • Doubly good if you already use Solarwinds products;
  • Presented online, so you can sit in your pajamas and watch it;
  • If you wear pajamas you should choose to watch it from home;
  • I actually don’t get any money if you register, because it’s FREE (duh);
  • To be clear, Solarwinds isn’t paying me or otherwise incentivizing me to write this. I just thought there may be some interest among my readers;
  • Hope to see you online over the next couple of days (I’ll be on as much as I can while also satisfying my requirements for $DAYJOB).


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